Let me start these series of interviews with a great expert. She has been on Events Uncovered TV before but when I met her at IMEX America, I couldn’t resist to grab another short interview with the amazing Shawna Suckow.



Shawna Suckow, CMP, has been a million-dollar customer in the hospitality industry for more than 20 years. She brings a unique understanding to how customers think, and how they’ve evolved following recessions, technology advancements, and culture shifts.   Today, she is the Chairwoman of SPiN, the Senior Planners Industry Network, which is now the world’s largest association comprised strictly of senior-level meeting planners – and an organization she founded back in 2008.  In 2022 she founded The Hive Network – a community just for salespeople, offering the new C.C.S.E. (Customer-Certified Sales Expert) designation.  Her mission is to bridge the communication gap between customers and salespeople, to make the entire buying process easier for everyone.  In 2022, she visited her fifth continent to speak on that subject.

What did we talk about? Attendees are changing, their needs are changing. So, what can we do differently to serve them better?

Best tip: Look after your first timers and your introverts.

To get in touch with Shawna, go to http://www.spinplanners.com/

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