Introverts are those who are not comfortable being with people. They are shy and very private. They only want to stay home as much as possible. When they happen to be along with people, they hardly talk. They don’t socialize or interact. In other words, they are not the type of people who are outgoing and sociable.

In the advent of social media and technology, we are now able to get in touch with others without going anywhere. We don’t need to come face-to-face with people just to get along with them. In just a click of the mouse or a touch of the pad, we can reach other people without compromising our privacy.

Introverts Turning Extroverts

Nowadays, you will surely notice that some of your friends who are introverts are now very active on Facebook and Twitter. In fact, most of them are the ones who seem very aggressive and sociable. Sometimes, you can see them being online for almost 24 hours a day interacting and posting comments here and there. What makes them become extroverts now? What seems to empower them?

Written Content

Text messages enable us to think twice before we finally convey our message. This gives us more confidence as compared with communicating with people verbally. Introverts tremble when talking to others because they might be afraid that what they should say could go wrong. Social media allows us to interact with people through written texts. With this, it has become much easier for us to tell people what we want to say because we can proofread or edit our message to become perfect.

Visual Content

Some introverts are not confident to talk in front of many people simply because they can’t seem to find the right words to express their ideas and emotions. With the help of visual content such as infographics, stock photos, and videos, they can share what they can’t express in words. On top of that, they can add captions to expound their point. Visual content also helps them easily get what others want to express.

Remote Connection

Introverts also want to gain more friends and to be known to others. They are only uncomfortable being physically closer to people. Now, they can gain friends and and even become popular while being remote. Through social media, mobile apps, and other social technology, introverts can now socialize right in the comfort of their home. They can now be public while keeping their privacy.

One Response to How Can Social Media and Technology Empower the Introverts?
  1. How Can Social Media and Technology Empower the Introverts? - @eventsuncovered - Protocol Bloggers Point February 6, at 4:50 pm Reply

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